Going into 2023

After a pretty full year of me finally committing to at least one video per month on my YouTube channel (in French) I’m thinking about getting much more into streaming because why not?

In November 2022 I streamed Breath of the Wild and I loved every second of it as usual. I’m not sure if committing to just one language will bring me success but I can’t do more than attempt tag my streams as multilanguage.

After that I went to Japan and thought about vlogging about it, honestly it’s not performing well on YouTube so I’m a bit bummed but that’s my fault for having no idea about what I was doing.

For 2023 I plan on trying to build some streaming tools for me to use as a way to avoid depending on external services and so the next tool I’m thinking about building should be my own multi chat reader for Twitch and very hopefully YouTube. I still need to figure out how to properly use that YouTube API and it doesn’t look fun nor does it look straightforward…
At least Twitch uses the IRC protocol.

I hope my streaming attempts will be met with a bit more success even though I’m not trying to transition into being a real streamer. I just want to get better at it. Making money would be some sort of bonus but clearly not what I’m aiming for (it could pay for stuff).

Other than that I’ll be gaming hard, coding hard and trying to keep up with the global apocalypse going on since 2020.
Fun times I swear.

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Junk food tastes good.